Hi there, I am Charlotte

  • 16 December 2021
  • 0 replies
Hi there, I am Charlotte
Userlevel 4

I am Charlotte, 28 and I work as an Account manager for training services in Munich. My pronouns are (she/her). I enjoy anything that has to do with languages, cultures and culture and support statefree among other things by editing articles, blog posts and other messages to our community.   

To me, allyship means to stand by people that are experiencing inequality where there should be none and to stand up to that inequality in the way I personally am able to.  

My hope for community in general and this statefree community in specific is that it gives emotional support to those feeling alone, provides uplifting stories to those needing hope, valuable tips for anyone confused and frustrated and an option to share the good and bad with each other. 

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