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Terms & Conditions

The Statefree Community is provided as a space for global conversation around statelessness. Together we want to create a community of belonging, empowerment and mutual respect. The following guidelines describe what is expected of you and what you can expect from other community members.

By accessing this website, you acknowledge acceptance of these terms of use and the community guidelines. Statefree reserves the right to change these terms of use from time to time and will make sure to update community members about changes made. These terms and guidelines apply to all your visits to the Statefree Community, both now and in the future.

  1. Community Guidelines

  • Engage in the conversation

Statefree was created for people affected by statelessness and for those who consider themselves as their allies. A vibrant community is based on active communication and engagement. We value every contribution and encourage you to share your own experiences, perspectives and insights. Don’t share other persons’ stories without their permission.

  • Respect others!

We value diversity, also in opinions. Please be aware that you might come across content that you don’t agree with that doesn’t violate the community guidelines. You are welcome to disagree or ask further questions in a respectful manner. Bullying, hate speech, harassment, threatening or inflammatory content and behaviour is not accepted. Disrespectful posts or replies will be removed from the Statefree team. Furthermore every user is able to flag and report content that violates the community guidelines via the “Flag as inappropriate” button.

  • Remember, this is a public forum

Be mindful of what kind of information you share about yourself. Do not post any information that you do not wish to make public and don’t post content that invades others' privacy. This includes sharing names, phone numbers, email addresses or other personal information.

  • Cite your sources

Make sure to include your sources whenever possible for example by adding the original link. This helps to maintain a constructive conversation. We reserve the right to delete links that do not contribute to the conversation. It is not acceptable to post any material that would infringe someone else's copyrights, trademarks, or any other intellectual property rights. Moreover please don’t disclose any trade secret (or other confidential information), that contains software viruses or any other computer code or files that are designed to disrupt, damage, or limit the functioning of any software or hardware.

  • Differentiate legal advice from consultation

Please be aware that the community is a place to discuss and share stories. Experience doesn’t replace legal advice. Most people are happy to help out in the Statefree Community, but remember that their advice is theirs only and that you are responsible for deciding whether or not to follow it. If the advice given by a community member sounds wrong or risky to you, do not try it. In particular, if any user asks you for personal information, such as an account number, address, password, identity documents or credit card number, do not provide it.

  • Enforcement

In order to make this a safe space for the community we reserve the right to delete any content or ban people from the site if the aforementioned guidelines are violated.

If you come across any content that you perceive as inappropriate violation against our guidelines please use the Flag as inappropriate button to report the content to the Statefree team. 

  • We are here to help

If you are new to The Statefree Community and are unsure about anything, just ask! The Statefree team and other users are happy to help. If you need help or want to report a problem, write an email to

  1. You'll need to register to use The Statefree Community.

In order to post topics and respond to user’s contributions in the Statefree Community you will need to register and create an individual account in the Statefree Community. Please refer to the Statefree Privacy Policy, which contains information on how Statefree collects, uses and protects your personal information. You must be at least 14 years old to participate in The Statefree Community.

  1. Statefree retains the right to remove content and limit users' access.

Statefree does not generally edit or pre-screen content posted by members of the Statefree Community. However, Statefree retains the right, at its sole discretion, to limit any users' access to The Statefree Community and to remove material that, in Statefree' sole judgment, does not comply with these Terms of Use, or that is otherwise inappropriate, harmful, objectionable, or inaccurate. Moderators may take any action they deem necessary in their own judgment to support the Terms of Use. Such actions may include deleting material and temporary or permanent banning of individual users.

  1. Private messages and moderator actions.

Moderator actions and the contents of private exchanges with moderators, Statefree team members and administrators should not be shared or discussed on the public forums. Such material will be removed by moderators. If you have questions or comments regarding moderator actions, contact the forum administrator or community moderators through private message or by sending an email to

  1. Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability.

Much of the content in the Statefree Community is provided by community members like you. Such third-party content is the sole responsibility of the person who is sharing the material in the community. Statefree does not control this content and is not responsible for the material that is shared by members. 

This also means that Statefree does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, completeness, usefulness, non-infringement of intellectual property rights, or quality of any material that is shared by members in the community, regardless of the source of the material. Statefree and its suppliers will not be liable or responsible in any way for any content on the Statefree Community, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in the material, or for any losses or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of or reliance on any material.

  1. Limited License.

Statefree hereby authorizes you to share materials published by Statefree on this website solely for non-commercial use in support of the Statefree community and the aim to raise awareness around statelessness. No other use of the information is authorized. In consideration of this authorization, you agree that any copy of these materials which you make shall retain all copyright and other proprietary notices in the same form and manner as on the original. Except as specified above, nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring by implication, or otherwise any license or right under any patent, trademark , copyright or any other intellectual property right of Statefree or any third party. Visitors or users of this website are not allowed to modify, distribute, publish, transmit or create derivative works of any material that is found on this website for any public or commercial purposes. 

Content included on this site and provided by or on behalf of Statefree (including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, images and forum posts) is the exclusive property of Statefree. In the case of content that is posted by you as a community member, Statefree reserves the right to contact you directly if there is any material Statefree would like to share further to enhance reach and awareness with your story. This might include posting your material on the Statefree website, social media channels or the Statefree Newsletter but won’t happen without your individual consent.

7. Trademarks.

The trademarks and logos displayed within The Statefree Community are the property of Statefree or other third parties. Users are not permitted to use these Marks without the prior written consent of Statefree or such third party which may own the Mark.

8. Cookies.

The Statefree Cookie Policy is defined in our Privacy Policy. You do not need to have cookies turned on to view forum postings. However, with cookies turned off or if you do not accept the cookie from the forum, you will not be permitted to sign in to The Statefree community to post content or respond to postings.

  1. Links to Third Party Sites.

The Statefree Community may contain links to third party sites. Access to any other internet site linked to this website is at the user's own risk and Statefree is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any information, data, opinions, advice or statements made on these sites. Statefree provides these links merely as a convenience and the inclusion of such links does not imply an endorsement. Any links posted by you are subject to all terms and conditions like any other type of content posted to the Statefree Community. You may not post a link that directs users to any content or information that would constitute a violation of these Terms of Use.

  1. Access to Password Protected/Secure Areas.

Access to and use of password protected and/or secure areas of the website is restricted to authorized users only. Unauthorized individuals attempting to access these areas of the website may be subject to prosecution.