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 :eight_pointed_black_star:Welcome to the space for knowledge & insights from people’s experiences :eight_pointed_black_star:


What this space is for

This category is for you to

  1. Ask for advice and other people’s experiences 🤷‍♂️ around statelessness issues that affect you

  2. Proactively share experiences :person_with_pouting_face_tone4: that might help other stateless people or allies 

  3. Participate in co-creating a source of truth :pencil:  around statelessness 

Inspiration on what to post 

3 Tips for this space 

#1 When asking a question be clear about what exactly you need and what your context is 

#2 Don’t share any detailed personal information publicly (e.g. picture of ID, personal numbers etc.) 

#3 When responding to a question, make it explicit that this is only a subjective advice and not a professional legal consult for example


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