
How do you define safety?

  • 18 January 2022
  • 2 replies
How do you define safety?
Userlevel 5
Badge +1

In this Community we want to assure digital safety - together with you! Help us and let us know in the comments below: How do you define safety? What is important to make this a safe space?


When sharing the Statefree mission and inviting people to join, we often describe the Community as a safe space for stateless people. 

Unfortunately, safety is a delicate issue and a scarce resource for many stateless people. Fears of deportation or negative impact on the legal status are not only omnipresent to stateless people but also justified and therefore often create a desire to hide.


When creating Statefree we thought about different ways to balance the goal of transparency with the promise of digital safety for our members. What is the right way to maintain those goals? 

Our first step is to openly share the current approach with the Community and invite you to give feedback: 


  1. Visibility - not every space of this Community is visible to everyone

While visibility is essential to enhance the situation of stateless people it can feel unsafe. Stateless people who engage in political activism often face the fear of being surveilled by governments or other organisations. This is why we decided to keep certain areas of this community invisible to the public eye. 

What does that mean at the moment? Currently the space “Individual Members” is not visible to unregistered users. Therefore, stories which are shared in this area can’t be read by people who browse through the Community without a registered account.  

What does it mean in the future?  As soon as the Community has grown to a certain number of members we will consider creating group spaces which are only visible to certain members. For example, this might apply to a group dedicated only to stateless people.


  1. Private information - you are free to choose pseudonym and avatar image

You are entirely free to choose the amount of personal information you want to share with members of the Statefree Community. There is no need to register with your real name or picture if you prefer not to. The only thing we care about is that the content shared in this space is honest and not misleading for any other user. 


  1. Data Privacy - your data is not accessible for any government, company or other third party

While other social networks and platforms might be involved with political or economic organisations, Statefree is completely independent and has no interest in sharing any data of users with other third party organisations. The security of your data is at the core of our intentions and won’t be compromised at any point in time.  


  1. Community Culture - we are building a Community that protects each other

Personal safety is always connected to psychological safety. We are committed to create a culture which is based on our main values. This space will be a space in which people uphold each other and support one another.

Any content that is offensive or similar can be reported by users and/or removed by the moderators of the Statefree team (see more info in our Terms of Use)  


So, what now? 

As a Community Statefree wants to stay flexible and adaptable to our members' needs.

We recognize that safety is experienced differently by different users and are curious to hear your thoughts. Does this make you feel safe in this particular space? Are you missing something essential? 

:triangular_flag_on_post:Let us know so that we can jointly improve this space and transform it into a welcoming place for all stateless people. 

2 replies

Userlevel 1

Cool, good to know. But I guess everyone can simply register? Or are you able to check people's identities before they sign up?

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

That’s true, the platform is free for anyone to register. In the context of statelessness we wanted to avoid creating an unnecessary barrier of “identity verification”. Nonetheless, every member of the community can always “flag content as inappropriate” by clicking the three dots in the right bottom corner, whenever content is/a user acts inappropriate. The Statefree team will then make sure to warn the specific user or ban users if they are creating and “unsafe” environment :)
