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Do you speak Italian and understand Spanish? Then the new episode on The Statefree Pod is for you:  👉 Listen here on  Spotify or Google Podcast 

In this bilingual episode, Gazmen talks about his experience of statelessness and the administrative and family reasons that resulted in statelessness. A conflict between nationality laws (jus solis and jus sanguinis) keeps him in statelessness. Having lived many years in Italy, he only managed to get his statelessness recognized in Italy after 12 years.

Now in Germany, his situation is still uncertain, even though he was born there. Informed by this struggle and the discrimination he experiences as Roma, Gazmen’s greatest wish for the future is clear: that no child in this world should grow up stateless anymore.

Find it here on Spotify & on Google Podcast 


Apolide e cittadino del mondo: Il mio desiderio per i bambini del futuro

Parlate italiano? Allora avete trovato l'episodio perfetto di questo podcast sull'apolidia. Gazmen parla della sua esperienza di apolidia, di cui soffre per motivi amministrativi e familiari. Un conflitto tra i costrutti politici del diritto del sangue e del diritto fondiario lo mantiene nell’apolidia.

Scoprite qual è il più grande desiderio di Gazmen, cittadino del mondo, per il futuro e per i bambini apolidi nel mondo. La presentación fue en español, ¡así que escucha el episodio si tienes oído para los dos idiomas! 


Music by Blin
The project ‘The Statefree Pod’ was funded by the Robert Bosch Stiftung.



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