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I walked into a US embassy and renounced my US citizenship as I thought at that time I’ll get another citizenship but I didn’t and now I’m stateless. I thought that my renunciation won’t be valid if I’m going to be stateless but that turned out not to be the case as the warning says that you’re exercising right to expatriate as you renounce.

It’s only after I renounced that I  took the warning the US gave me about being stateless seriously.

I regret that decision. I don’t know what was I thinking when I did that. I should have took the warning seriously.


What happens next to me?

Hi @help me I renounced,

Thank you for sharing your question here. I’m not a legal expert and I don’t know enough about US citizenship law to give you an answer to your question. Why did the other citizenship you were applying to not work out? If this is confidential, you can write me a private message to see if we have knowledge or contacts that can support you.

Best wishes,

Margarida (Statefree team)

I suggest that you contact Apatride Network. Depending on where you are, they may help connect you with legal assistance to figure out your options. You can contact them via email:
