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Hi so, I’m a student in Germany, came from Gaza, Palestine to Germany via a student visa and I’m still in my 3rd semester but I have a student job and pay “student taxes” and so on. Does the XXX on my residence permit mean whatever I do and however long I stay in Germany despite having a degree from Germany and working and paying taxes and so on I will never get “naturalised” into the country? I came here for the LGBT rights and to feel safe and doing my best to naturalise  but now I have to worry about other stuff for the rest of my life? :’) 

Dear Alia,

Many thanks for your message. We are glad to welcome you in our Statefree Community and Forum :)

We are now preparing an answer and should get back to you in the next days.


Best wishes

Dear Alia,

Thanks again for reaching out to the Statefree Community, please kindly find our anwers below.


Generally, the "XXX" on a residence permit means that the citizenship is “unclear”. This may be because it has not yet been finally established if a person has no other citizenship or if a person has the citizenship of another country. In case it is established that a person does not have another citizenship, statelessness should be registered with “XXA”.

The "XXX" does not mean naturalisation is impossible, but the authority has to clarify the identity and nationality status of a person. At this point, a person wishing to naturalise has to prove that (i) they have no other citizenship and are in fact stateless, or that (ii) they have another citizenship.


To sum up, naturalisation as a stateless person is possible and statelessness can be clarified in the procedures for residence permit and naturalisation, among others.


If we did not address all your questions, please do not hesitate to reach out again in the future.

We hope that this brings you clarity and wish you all the best.

