
The Global Statelessness Movement - Who Are We?

  • 22 July 2022
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 1

The Global Statelessness Movement is a global community of stateless persons, activists, and allied organisations dedicated to the eradication of statelessness, equal nationality rights, and the human rights of stateless persons. We envision a world in which universal human rights - including the right to a nationality - are respected and upheld for all human beings. We are determined to elevate and amplify the voices of stateless persons at the international, regional, and national levels to influence policy makers, educate the community at large, and inspire global change.

We have formed a small group of 23 people comprised of stateless activists and NGOs, to drive forward the movement and to prepare for the formal launch later this year. We look forward to welcoming stateless persons and allied organisations around the world to join our movement.

The Movements Manifesto further outlines who we are, our vision, and how we will work to achieve our vision. Please note we have used the term ‘nationality’ in this manifesto, as this is the term used under international law. The Global Statelessness Movement will use the terms ‘nationality’ and ‘citizenship’ interchangeably. 

The Manifesto:

We are a global community of stateless people, activists, organisations and allied individuals dedicated to the eradication of statelessness, the achievement of equal nationality rights, and the realisation of human rights of all stateless people.   

We come together because millions of people are denied their right to nationality and endure statelessness, while the nationality rights of countless others are under threat.   

We recognise and assert our shared humanity and the equal dignity and rights of all human beings.     

 We centre those directly impacted by statelessness as leaders of our movement, recognising their expertise and lived experience as vital to our mission.  

 We are committed to equitable governance, transparency, collective self-reflection and accountability to each other.   

 We stand together in solidarity, choosing boldly inclusive and egalitarian collaboration, leading with kindness, patience, and mutual respect.  

 We seek to communicate in ways that are accessible to all.  

 We believe in the potential for social transformation to realise a world free from discrimination, which is the primary cause of statelessness. We recognise that this requires holding those in power to account and pursuing structural change.  

We are determined to elevate and amplify the voices of stateless people at the international, regional and national levels, to influence policy makers, educate the community at large, and inspire global change.  

We aim to create a new dynamic that empowers stateless people, inspires deeper understanding of our shared humanity, and galvanises action to uphold nationality rights for all.   

We create and foster connections among people and communities impacted by statelessness and civil society allies, forging a safe and brave space for dialogue, storytelling, information and knowledge-sharing, and joint advocacy initiatives.   

 We recognise the deeply intersectional causes and impacts of statelessness and acknowledge that the success of our movement is intrinsically connected with other social justice movements. We are committed to work to connect, ally, and engage diverse social justice actors from the grassroots to the international levels.   

We envision a world in which universal human rights - including the right to a nationality - are respected and upheld for all human beings.  

We are confident that addressing the root causes of statelessness and realising our vision for the world will benefit all of humanity. 

1 reply

Userlevel 3

Trank you for sharing your Manifesto with the community! I’m excited for your launch this year 🚀 
