>Summary: New data on statelessness in Germany reveals the urgent need for action. MPs of the Green and the Left Party release statement about the need for action and urge the government to resolve the situation of stateless people. Link to the parliamentary question below]
In the past 7 days, the issue of statelessness has been covered more often in German press than probably at any time in the last 7 years.
The reason for this: a new parliamentary question has revealed the following new findings - and many more - about statelessness in Germany:
- At least every tenth stateless person in Germany, was also born in Germany.
- More than half of the persons with undetermined citizenship have been living in Germany for more than 5 years.
- The issue of statelessness has not been discussed in the sessions on nationality for the last ten (!) years.

Filiz Polat, a Green Member of German Parliament (MP) and migration expert, summed it up quite well in her statement : "For a long time now, Germany has not fulfilled its obligation under international law with regard to stateless persons and thus ranks poorly in an international comparison. Naturalisation is the most effective way to reduce the number of stateless persons in Germany and grant these people their right to have rights".
The parliamentary question was initiated by Gökay Akbulut, MP of the left party, who now also urges the German government to find a quick and effective solution for the in situ stateless population in Germany.

Find the parliamentary question with the latest data on statelessness in Germany here
Here you can find the media articles which shared the most important facts:
- WELT: Mehrheit der Staatenlosen lebt schon länger in Deutschland
- SPIEGEL: Mehrheit der Ausländer mit ungeklärter Staatsangehörigkeit lebt seit mehr als fünf Jahren in Deutschland
- TAGESSPIEGEL: Parlamentarische Anfrage: Großteil der Staatenlosen lebt seit mehr als fünf Jahren in Deutschland
- HANDELSBLATT: ROUNDUP: Mehrheit der Staatenlosen lebt schon länger in Deutschland