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On March 9 the German Federal Statistical Office published the latest data on statelessness in Germany. The new figures reveal a significant increase. 

According to the German Federal Statistical Office, at the end of 2022, 29.455 people were registered as stateless, while an additional number of 97.150 people in Germany were registered with a so-called “undetermined nationality“. This makes a total of 126.605 people in Germany living without nationality. 

In comparison: at the end of 2021 Germany recorded a number of 94.945 people with “undetermined nationality” and 27.940 people who are officially recognised as stateless (Read more about it here).

Overall „the number of people registered as stateless in Germany has doubled since 2014“ the article elaborates.  

Find the full press release here in English and in German


A comprehensive and more detailed report of the „statistics of foreigners“ in Germany is planned to be published in April. 


We are happy to keep you posted on new developments! 



📰 Newsticker - Further articles and news about the updated data on statelessness: 

In Austria, which is Germany's neighbor, stateless conditions are much worse than in Germany. Why don't you take care of Austria?I am a refugee who live in Austria Vienna more than 18 years without citizenship, without EU residency card With a dirty right-wing and neo-Nazi government, where not a single human rights lawyer will defend you for statelessness.pls help us in Ashwitz Austria,

Hi @magi , thank you for your comment and raising awareness about the situation in Austria. We are hoping that we will be able to expand the Statefree advocacy work to a transnational level at some point in the future and that our advocacy work in Germany affects Austria as well! For the time being, on the European Network on Statelessness (ENS) website you can see which individuals and orgainzations work on statelessness in Austria (filter by country). There might be a helpful organization for you amongst them. Else, you could contact ENS directly, to see if they have insight in what Austria is doing in regards to statelessness.

And we would love to include your perspective on what needs to change on a european, political level as well, so let us know if you are interested in participating in future Statefree projects! 🙂 ⭐️

Thank you for your reply, EMS only works in UK and I am in contact with them, but in Austria, neither non-profit organization, nor NGO, nor human rights lawyers help in the field of statelessness, especially stateless refugees. !  The United Nations Human Rights Office in Vienna solves the problem with one word, we are sorry, and by the order of the Austrian government and the far right party, the stateless refugees are addressed as worthless, and only the consultants repeat the conditions for obtaining citizenship and do not intend to change the cruel and discriminatory laws.  Stateless refugee women are held captive in Auschwitz for eighteen years, and I know of cases who have been held captive in Austria for more than twenty-five years, please be the voice of justice for us at the United Nations and human rights offices.

Hi @magi, I am sorry to hear that there is no helpfull point of contact in Austria yet. The ENS does work on a European Level, not just in the UK though, maybe @Frances Timberlake has more ideas? But correct, if there are no local organizations working on statelessness, they the ENS’s support might be limited as well.

We are happy to set up a call with you to get an idea of the current situation in Austria, or your curernt situation and potentially brainstorm next actions. If that is something you are interested in as well, feel free to contact me direcly (direct message on my profile) or send us an email on, then we can arrange all further. ☀️



Hi @magi (and thanks @Charlotte for tagging me here). I’m sorry to hear that the situation for you in Austria has been so frustrating and that you haven’t received the support you have needed.

In any case, ENS do work with partners across Europe, including some NGOs in Austria, who are committed to assisting stateless individuals. We can certainly contact them for you. Can you please just confirm if you the same person that emailed me this weekend? Sorry, I can’t tell because the names are different!

We also have a community group of people with experience of living without a nationality, that is always open to new members. We meet monthly. I will send you some information about it in case you would like to join, for a space of solidarity!
