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Hey I am a German student and I am preparing a presentation about the topic of statelessness, I am looking for a person (preferred language: German, English) who would be willing to answer some questions about the topic in a Short Interview?

I would be glad to help if you are still looking for someone. 

Dear readers of the Statefree Association,
My name is Ronja Pröllochs, I am studying Social Work and Language, History and Cultures of the Middle East and I am currently writing or working on my bachelor thesis on the topic of statelessness. Since I would ideally be working on filmography, I wanted to ask if there are people without citizenship in the community who could imagine being interviewed and (potentially) filmed. In the interviews, I would like to ask questions about the circumstances and feelings of those affected in order to create empathy and a greater awareness of the issue.

I will be happy to answer any further questions you may have.

I would be delighted to hear from you
Yours sincerely
Ronja Pröllochs
